Thursday, January 3, 2008

Take Politics Seriously

So I went to my first Democratic Party Kick Off here in the Valley. I can't say that I'm totally a democrat but I tend to lean that way. I really liked what Aaron Pena had to say. I was really dissappointed to see that Eddie Saenz wasn't there. I was dissappointed in his wife's speech. She copied some things that some other people said. She stated that Saenz had prior commitments and that he was taking care of his father. Now, I hear that he was at a basketball game today. This is sad. It seems that he wants to win, but not work at it. It should just happen because he wants it to be so. I hope that it won't happen here. I've seen dirty politics happen in different places and I know that it doesn't happen only in the movies. The thing is that the rest of the country operates differently. We need to bring our area to a higher standard. I'm not saying that other places are perfect and that corruption doesn't happen only here. Change seems to be the buzz word this campaign season. It seems that the word change scares a lot of people in this area. It isn't always bad and sometimes some of the people affected really a not doing a good job. Change needs to happen here in the valley, not necessarily the people but the attitude. It is the only way we are going to grow. I think that Aaron Pena seems to bring some good things to the table and seems to have the right attitude. There are other people who seem interesting. I'm going to start looking into what they are about.

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